Individuals who have knowledge of a business or corporate entity attempting to defraud the federal government or any of its agencies have the right to bring forth a qui tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act. Those who report this information are called whistleblowers, and successful whistleblower claims may lead to financial reward for the person who brings forward the information.
If you have proof of a corporation committing fraud against the United States government or any of its agencies, contact the Atlanta qui tam lawyers of Tycko & Zavareei LLP today for a free, confidential qui tam claim evaluation.
What is the False Claims Act?
Abraham Lincoln established the False Claims Act, sometimes known as the Lincoln Law, during the Civil War as a way to contend with the problem of military contractor fraud that was taking place. Wartime suppliers of goods and services were providing the U.S. military with supplies that did not meet standards, and the False Claims Act incentivized citizens to assist the federal government in combatting this fraud by allowing the citizens to bring whistleblower lawsuits on behalf of the government. Today, the False Claims Act also protects whistleblowers from possible retaliation from the business committing fraud.
How do Atlanta Qui Tam Cases Work?
Under the False Claims Act, the qui tam provision specifically allows private citizens, most often employees, with proof of corporate fraud to file a qui tam lawsuit against a fraudulent entity on behalf of the federal government.
The whistleblowers, or qui tam relators, who come forward with valuable information regarding corporate fraud may be entitled to significant financial reward if their tips lead to the successful recovery of stolen or defrauded funds. The financial reward given to whistleblowers is between 15-30 percent of the total defrauded funds that are recovered through the successful lawsuit. In 2021, the U.S. government recovered over $5 billion in funds relating to False Claims Act violations.
Under the False Claims Act, anyone who has proof of a corporation committing fraud against the government has the right to file a whistleblower lawsuit. This may include an employee, contractor, freelancer, customer, competitor, or someone else who has insider knowledge of the fraud that is reportedly taking place.
What Protections are Granted to Atlanta Qui Tam Relators?
Under the federal False Claims Act and additional state whistleblower protection laws, whistleblowers are protected from retaliation from the corporation that may be committing fraud. The business at the center of a whistleblower claim may seek to retaliate against the whistleblower as retribution for bringing its crimes to light. Types of retaliation that are illegal in all states that whistleblowers are protected against under the False Claims Act include being fired, demoted or suspended, threatened, harassed, or otherwise discriminated against because of actions taken as a whistleblower.
If the qui tam relator does experience retaliation for coming forward with a whistleblower claim, under the False Claims Act they may be entitled to reinstatement to their previous position, back pay with interest, and reimbursement for reasonable attorney’s costs and fees.
Atlanta qui tam relators are given additional protections under the Georgia Whistleblower Act (GWA). The GWA protects whistleblowers who file complaints regarding waste, fraud, or mishandling of state or local government funds or property.
Successful Qui Tam Cases in Georgia
In 2020, several qui tam relators were involved in a qui tam case in Georgia against SavaSeniorCare, a nursing facility company. The whistleblowers brought forward claims that alleged that SavaSeniorCare was inappropriately billing Medicaid and Medicare for rehabilitation and therapy services that were unreasonable and unneeded. In this case, the whistleblower’s willingness to come forward with valuable information regarding SavaSeniorCare’s healthcare fraud led to the successful recovery of more than $11 million in defrauded funds.
How Can an Atlanta Qui Tam Lawyer Help Me?
When pursuing a whistleblower claim, it is important to seek counsel from an experienced whistleblower attorney who is knowledgeable about qui tam law. A qualified qui tam law firm will be able to assist you throughout the whistleblower claims process by:
- Investigating your qui tam claim and determining whether the evidence you have can support fraud allegations. If you think you have proof of fraud against the government, our Atlanta qui tam lawyers will evaluate your claim for free.
- Assisting you in filing the whistleblower lawsuit under the appropriate whistleblower program.
- Aiming to convince the government to get involved with your qui tam case, increasing the chances of a successful lawsuit.
- Guiding you through the complex whistleblower legal process each step of the way and answering any questions you may have.
- Protecting you from retaliation and filing a retaliation lawsuit if necessary against the employer or business for back pay, reinstatement, and legal fees.
About Tycko & Zavareei LLP
The Atlanta whistleblower attorneys of Tycko & Zavareei LLP are leaders in qui tam law, having represented whistleblowers across the country for decades. Our nationally recognized legal team is comprised of former prosecutors and legal scholars whose main goal is to shed light on corporate fraud, thus protecting taxpayer dollars. Our attorneys’ successful qui tam cases have resulted in the recovery of over $7 billion.
Contact an Atlanta Qui Tam Lawyer Today
Employees or other individuals with inside knowledge of corporate fraud may be rewarded for their bravery if they choose to shed light on the fraud taking place through a whistleblower claim. At Tycko & Zavareei LLP, our Atlanta qui tam lawyers have decades of experience helping whistleblowers expose companies who defraud the government and they are ready to help you do the same. If you have proof of corporate fraud and are ready to make a whistleblower claim, contact Tycko & Zavareei LLP today to speak with a qualified Atlanta qui tam lawyer.