Individuals with inside knowledge or evidence of healthcare fraud have the right to file a whistleblower claim on behalf of the government against businesses and individuals who defraud government programs like Medicare. If you have proof of Medicare fraud in Michigan, contact the whistleblower lawyers of Tycko & Zavareei LLP today for a free, confidential legal consultation.
What is Medicare Fraud?
Medicare fraud occurs when healthcare workers or organizations violate the False Claims Act and seek to obtain unwarranted funds from the government by creating and filing false or misleading Medicare claims. Examples of illegal activities commonly seen in Michigan Medicare fraud whistleblower lawsuits include:
- Billing for supplies or services that were not provided
- Billing for supplies or services that were not medically necessary or ordered by a physician
- Billing separately for procedures that are commonly billed together, otherwise known as unbundling
- Offering kickbacks or bribes in exchange for
- Medicare business
- Promoting or marketing pharmaceuticals or medical devices for off label uses
- Creating and filing false or misleading cost reports
- Billing for more significant (and therefore expensive) procedures and diagnoses than what the patient actually received, otherwise referred to as upcoding
Impact of the False Claims Act on Medicare Fraud in MI
The False Claims Act (FCA) is a federal law that penalizes individuals or organizations that knowingly create or file false or misleading claims or records to any federal government-funded program. Unlike other laws, the FCA was created to encourage private citizens to help report violations when they come across them, allowing the government to better fight against fraud. To report Medicare fraud, the FCA’s qui tam provision allows citizens to become whistleblowers by filing a qui tam lawsuit on behalf of the government against the defendant committing fraud.
Whistleblowers whose qui tam claims lead to a successful recovery of defrauded funds are entitled to between 10 and 30 percent of the total amount recovered. If you have proof of fraud against the government, including Medicare fraud, contact Tycko & Zavareei LLP today to speak with a whistleblower lawyer.
How Common is Medicare Fraud in Michigan?
Each year, healthcare fraud costs the US government and American taxpayers billions of dollars, with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reporting close to $43 billion in losses in 2020. Also in 2020, the US government spent close to $830 billion on Medicare services with an improper payment rate of over six percent, leading to a loss of $1.4 billion. Michigan is among the states with the highest levels of healthcare fraud, where a Detroit-area hospital settled allegations relating to physician referrals for $84.5 million.
Why Should I Report Medicare Fraud?
Government programs like Medicare are funded by tax revenue that comes from American citizens. When companies and individuals seek to defraud government programs, it is taxpayers who ultimately pay the price. The FCA and qui tam lawsuits are one of the primary ways the government has to fight fraud, so whistleblowers who bravely come forward to report fraud and other illegal activities may receive significant financial compensation.
How are Michigan Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers Protected?
Many potential whistleblowers are hesitant to come forward with evidence of healthcare fraud due to fear of retaliation from their employer. Under the FCA and other whistleblower protection laws, it is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee for their whistleblower or qui tam actions. Types of retaliation banned include suspension, termination, demotion, withholding pay or benefits, harassment, or any type of discrimination directed at an employee because they filed a claim.
Whistleblowers who do experience retaliation from their employer may qualify to file a lawsuit for damages including reinstatement, back pay plus interest, and attorneys’ fees. If you filed a qui tam claim and experienced retaliation from your employer, contact the Michigan Medicare fraud lawyers of Tycko & Zavareei LLP today to speak with a knowledgeable whistleblower attorney.
How Can a Michigan Medicare Fraud Lawyer Help Me?
FCA lawsuits can be complex, so it may be in your best interests to consult with an experienced qui tam law firm if you are considering blowing the whistle on Medicare fraud. A Michigan Medicare fraud whistleblower attorney can assist you throughout the legal process by:
- Analyzing the evidence of fraud that you have and explaining your legal options
- Researching your claim and consulting with experts in order to build a strong case
- Filing your qui tam claim under the appropriate whistleblower programs
- Maintaining your anonymity throughout the legal process if possible
- Protecting you from whistleblower retaliation from your employer to the fullest extent of state and federal whistleblower protection laws
- Advocating on your behalf throughout the qui tam legal process
- Fighting for the maximum potential financial reward for your contributions as a qui tam relator
Reach out to a Michigan Medicare Fraud Attorney Today
Reporting Medicare fraud can seem overwhelming and intimidating, especially when you are blowing the whistle against your current employer. The whistleblower lawyers of Tycko & Zavareei LLP understand that, which is why we are dedicated to making the process as clear and seamless as possible. In addition to protecting your rights and helping you understand the process of reporting Medicare fraud under the False Claims Act, our qui tam attorneys will also help you build a case that has the best chance of being successful. Our law firm has a decades-long track record of success and favorable settlements.
Michigan residents with proof of healthcare fraud, including Medicare fraud, could potentially receive significant financial compensation if they file a successful whistleblower claim. If you have inside knowledge or evidence regarding purported fraud against government healthcare programs, call the Michigan Medicare fraud lawyers of Tycko & Zavareei LLP for a free confidential legal case evaluation.