Whistleblower attorney Eva Gunasekera breaks down telehealth fraud. Also known as telemedicine fraud, this type of fraud typically occurs when employers bill incorrectly for telehealth services.
If you have information of fraud, you may want to speak to a whistleblower lawyer as soon as possible to understand what your rights are and what information you may need to expose the wrongdoing.
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Video Transcript
Speaker: Tycko & Zavareei LLP Partner Eva Gunasekera
What is Telehealth And How Is It Conducted?
Telehealth, sometimes called telemedicine, lets your healthcare provider deliver services without an in-person office visit. Telehealth is required to be done with internet access over your computer, tablet or smartphone. Medicare and other government funded health care programs pay for telehealth services. Massive increases in the use of telehealth helped maintain some health care access during the COVID 19 pandemic.
How Does Telehealth Fraud Take Place?
Unfortunately, it is easy to exploit the telehealth program. The government has publicly stated that it wants to ensure that telehealth delivers quality, convenient care for patients, and is not compromised by fraud. The Department of Justice uses the False Claims Act to fight telehealth fraud.
You may have a False Claims Act case if your employer is doing any of the following:
- billing for sham telehealth services never performed,
- billing for telehealth services that were not reasonable or necessary for the patient,
- billing for costlier testing than necessary,
- billing by individuals who are not qualified to perform the services, and
- billing for more time spent with the patient than actually occurred.
Are You Ready to Expose the Fraud? Contact Us Today
If your case is successful, there are financial rewards for whistleblowers and there are protections against retaliation for raising your concerns to your employer or the government. Contact whistleblower attorneys at Tycko & Zavareei to learn more.